Find out why Kiva is the new powerful way to give back, why it makes sense, especially if you’re in eCommerce like us. Read more »
Find out why Kiva is the new powerful way to give back, why it makes sense, especially if you’re in eCommerce like us. Read more »
This year has been really busy at One Step Checkout. So busy we even failed to wish you a Merry Christmas 2015 and thank you for your support and contribution allowing us to make our annual donation to Kiva charity. Thanks to our clients, resellers, affiliates we have now made 227 loans. Read more »
We are happy to inform you that we have just released OneStepCheckout version 4.5 which introduces some big new features as well as general improvements of our product. This version is already available for all existing customers with access to updates. Read more »
We are proud to announce the release of OneStepCheckout version 4! The past couple of months have been spent on crunching out new features, and we have also spent a lot of resources into refactoring the existing code to make it more extendible and maintanable. We think the resulting product is great, and is eager… Read more »
OneStepCheckout is a checkout extension for the Magento ecommerce platform that has taken the community with storm. We launched the first version in fall 2009, and currently have over 5000 installations of OneStepCheckout in all possible Magento versions, everything from old Magento Community versions to brand fresh Magento Professional and Magento Enterprise 1.11 installs. OneStepCheckout… Read more »
OneStepCheckout is a checkout extension for the Magento ecommerce platform that has taken the community with storm. We launched the first version about a year ago, and currently have over 2000 installations of OneStepCheckout in all possible Magento versions, everything from old Magento Community versions to brand fresh Magento Professional and Magento Enterprise 1.9 installs…. Read more »
Version 3.1 of OneStepCheckout comes packed with a bunch of new features, many of which has been requested by our customers. Here comes a quick list of the new features, some of them are explained in more detail below: Field ordering – choose the order the fields should appear, perfect for customizing to a specific… Read more »
Verison 3 of OneStepCheckout comes packed with a bunch of new features as well as several bug fixes. Here is a quick overview of whats new in the next version: New setting to hide shipping method if there is only one available A much easier installation process, without need to modify any templates Fully compatible… Read more »
I am happy to inform you that we now have officially released version 2.1 of OneStepCheckout. The new version fixes some critical issues that has been reported by our customers. These customers have received the new version already and all have provided feedback that the issues has now been resolved and that everything is working… Read more »
Octobe 2021 update | A recent Magento 2 related version of this article is available here. Finally, after several months of development we are excited to launch the latest version of OneStepCheckout which now fully supports registration and login! During the past months we’ve received a lot of input from our customers that want different… Read more »