Tag: new version

[New Release] OneStepCheckout v.1.2.051 supports Magento 2.4.3

OneStepCheckout supports Magento 2.4.3

Our new version, which includes Magento 2.4.3 support, is available on our channels and as well as Magento Marketplace. ver_1.2.051 refactoring: magento-coding-standards verified refactoring: better fallback to phpserialize (zend, laminas) from Magento framework serializer fix: additional validation for shipping address extension_attributes fix: empty localization in admin template causes errors for m2 locale generation fix: core… Read more »

[New Release] Crucial Magento 2 checkout security features come with OneStepCheckout version 1.2.044

OneStepCheckout for Magento 2 new release v1-2-044

This update is particularly important because it brings you additional security features that prevent your store from carding attacks. In addition, we solved popular requests around the back-end, front-end, and installation. Carding attacks prevention on Magento 2 The most requested and troubling issue Magento 2 customers have been facing is carding attacks related to how… Read more »

[New Release] OneStepCheckout for Magento 2, version 1.2.040

One age Checkout for Magento 2

Version 1.2.040 brings updates for payment methods such as Paypal Express, Amazon Payments and Gene Commerce Braintree (now Paypal Braintree in Magento 2 core) There were multiple issues reported with mentioned payment methods and all customers waiting for reply from our support team with issues regarding those payment methods should upgrade and verify if their… Read more »