So we’re coming for more with Magento Live UK in London this week. It will mainly be myself as the rest of team is focused on the final touches of our OneStepCheckout extension for Magento 2. Read more »
So we’re coming for more with Magento Live UK in London this week. It will mainly be myself as the rest of team is focused on the final touches of our OneStepCheckout extension for Magento 2. Read more »
Here is the new version, which not only looks more modern and appealing to the eye but is also easier for our visitors to navigate and find what they want and order our Magento checkout extension, even on mobile devices, even with fat fingers. Read more »
Last week, the finalists to the Magento Imagine 2016 Excellence Awards were announced. These awards are recognizing individuals, companies and brands for their exceptional achievements across all facets of the highly competitive commerce arena. They represent great examples of innovation, outstanding customer experiences, beautiful design, and superior business acumen. Read more »
The legendary Imagine 2016 Magento eCommerce conference is taking place in just two weeks and we’ve been preparing for this event. In fact we are the proud sponsors of the Day 2 Breakfast on April 12. Let us share with you our personal story and why this event is so unique and important for us at OneStepCheckout. Read more »
Find out why Kiva is the new powerful way to give back, why it makes sense, especially if you’re in eCommerce like us. Read more »
Here is an interview of Anton Siniorg, our lead developer, where he explains in fairly simple terms what Magento 2.0 is about and what it means for the checkout function of online businesses. Read more »
This year has been really busy at One Step Checkout. So busy we even failed to wish you a Merry Christmas 2015 and thank you for your support and contribution allowing us to make our annual donation to Kiva charity. Thanks to our clients, resellers, affiliates we have now made 227 loans. Read more »
Today we have launched our new responsive demo site! You can see it live on http://demo.onestepcheckout.com The new demo features a screen size chooser, so you can actually click through the various sizes and it will automatically adjust the viewport to let you experience the checkout on a smaller device. We use the new default… Read more »
We are proud to announce the release of OneStepCheckout version 4! The past couple of months have been spent on crunching out new features, and we have also spent a lot of resources into refactoring the existing code to make it more extendible and maintanable. We think the resulting product is great, and is eager… Read more »
OneStepCheckout is a checkout extension for the Magento ecommerce platform that has taken the community with storm. We launched the first version in fall 2009, and currently have over 5000 installations of OneStepCheckout in all possible Magento versions, everything from old Magento Community versions to brand fresh Magento Professional and Magento Enterprise 1.11 installs. OneStepCheckout… Read more »