Category: 09. Corporate Social Responsibility

Because it’s not just out us but about commerce and how we can help others with what we’ve got and what we do. We believe in Karma.

Supporting a charity’s online stores: Telethon

Back in 2013 we were proud to support the Telethon’s website’s checkout. Telethon is a 30 hour long French TV program that raises funds for research around rare neuromuscular diseases. It’s no small task and as an example last year, over the week end of 6/7 December, €75 million were raised. The French Muscular Dystrophy… Read more »

We wish you a peaceful christmas and a prosperous new year full of ecommerce!

This year we have donated $1500 to Wikipedia, Free Software Foundation and Electronic Frontier Foundation. I addition we continue our involvment with KIVA, prividing micro loans to unique entrepreneurs around the globe, now counting 150 loans. Donations The WikiMedia foundation is responsible for running the top-ten internet property Wikipedia, as well as many other useful… Read more »

Micro loans to Low Income Entrepreneurs

One Step Checkout corp.  is certainly not Bill Gates. But even as a small medium-sized company in the ecommerce industry we think it makes sense to lend a hand to others in the commerce industry in the developing world. At One Step Checkout we allocate some of our proceeds to microfinance projects, in cooperation with… Read more »