Why is Amazon Pay gaining traction?
Just like us, Amazon Pay is all about reducing cart abandonment by simplifying the checkout process. In fact they commissioned the Baymard Institute to understand more about what shoppers leave their cart and found the following.

What Amazon offers, is a one click checkout to their 300 millions registered customers. Chances are a lot of these online shoppers shop at your Magento store too, so why not help them whiz through checkout by simply logging in with their Amazon credentials?
On the flip side, Amazon’s top countries are US, Germany and UK, so there is a chance that your customers don’t have an Amazon account, or have forgotten their credentials. That’s why the best combo is to have BOTH OneStepCheckout and Amazon Pay working hand in hand.
Benefits of OneStepCheckout combined with Amazon Pay
1. You no longer force your shoppers to create account
- either they use their existing Amazon account
- or they simply tick a box and add their password in the flow of the checkout

- What you avoid is that extra step, often seen as a blocking wall, asking for a customer to register

2. Shorten and simplify the checkout process
- One click with Amazon and all your shipping, billing and payment details are pre-filled
- No Amazon account? OneStepCheckout lets you remove all the necessary fields for maximum simplicity

3. See Totals upfront
That’s where OneStepCheckout add the most value to the Magento 2 default checkout. Customers never lose sight of the final amount they will pay and it updates automatically based on the shipping address and methods they choose.

4. Offer enough payment methods to suit your customers needs
Let’s say you don’t log with Amazon but proceed to regular checkout, you will find payments methods which are relevant to your shipping country. Here it will be PayPal which is very popular in the UK, Debit or Credit Card and Phone in your Debit/Credit Card.

Each country has its preferences. For example Afterpay AU is quite popular in Australia as it offers free installments to consumers. In the Netherlands, iDeal is the favorite way to pay see example below. We even have Magento 2 customers accepting Bitcoins!

User experience: what does OneStepCheckout and Amazon Pay integration look like?
1. Homepage
Let’s go to UK store emodels.co.uk

2. Category Page
Mmmm I’m in the mood to buy some paint, Super Metallic for only £4. As I click on the green “Add to Cart”button, the color of the button changes to grey, the text changes to “Added to Cart” and then back to green.

3. Cart
That’s where it becomes interesting. Click on the Basket icon on the top left and you will see three options for checking out: PayPal Express Checkout, Amazon Pay and OneStepCheckout (when you click on “Proceed to Checkout”)

Alternatively if you click on the product and land on the product page, you have quick short links to checkout fast

Third alternative, you go through regular checkout and click the Amazon Pay button on the left hand side.

4. Amazon login pop up
Once you click on the “Amazon Pay” button, a pop up appears, asking you to log in

5. Amazon pre-filling OneStepCheckout
That’s where the magic happen (magic is when so much hard work and preparation goes in the background but the audience just sees something beautifully simple).
Address: the arrow allows you to pick one of the pre-registered address from your Amazon contact book.
Shipping method: appears based on your shipping address (that’s why I had to chose one of our Partner Agencies in the UK. A non UK address will return an error in shipping method)

Payment method: it is picked up from your Amazon account, but you can change it directly by clicking on your payment methods as follows

Click on “+ Add new” and you get another pop up page where you can edit your payment details directly inside your Amazon account.
Choose you billing address from your Amazon address book.

Then all you need is to click “Order Now” and you’re done!

Play with OneStepCheckout for Magento 2 demo
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