Our OneStepCheckout extension for Magento 2 just turned one so it’s a good time to look back on what we achieved so far, our challenges and way forward.
If you’re looking for examples of Magento 2 stores, you’ll find plenty to get inspiration from below: the bold, the beautiful, the European, the American, the BtoC, the BtoB, etc…
Achievements so far:
1) Hundreds of Magento 2 customers
After a year we got several hundreds Magento 2 stores ordering our product.
Top countries:
- Netherlands, which is has historically been our biggest market
- US, the #1 Magento market by far
- UK, the #1 eCommerce market in Europe
- Germany, the #1 Economy in Europe
- more than expected from Denmark
- Off course let’s not forget Australia
- and we even got a few order from Asia.
Lots of variety there, none really standing out. Perhaps a bit more B2C than B2B and obviously more running on Magento 2 Open Source/ Community Edition but still a good number on Magento 2 Enterprise.
- Fashion including Luxury Goods,
- Homeware, furniture
- Stationery
- Cosmetics
- Electronics
- Food and Beverage
- Autoparts
- Cooking equipment
- Sporting goods
- Energy and lighting
- Storage equipment
Even gold bars!
Hot brands and companies
Includes but not limited to:
- Timberland
- Acer
- Nestle
- Engie
- Luxasia
- Cadbury
Our Selection of Magento 2 stores
Just picking a few to show the range of geographies and category verticals that we cover.
The Enterprise multi country store
Luxasia Group is an omnichannel leader in luxury beauty and lifestyle brand distribution, retail, and e-commerce in the Asia Pacific region. Founded in 1986 it is now distributing over 150 of the most prestigious cosmetic brands such as those from the LVMH group but also La Prairie, Bvlgary or Hermes to 14 countries.
Escentials is one of their eCommerce channel.

Checkout page

The quirky from the US of A
Duke Cannon one of my favorite! Cosmetics don’t have to be all glam, nice, clean and polished (pun intended). Especially for men! Here’s a demonstration of a very strong brand positioning around masculinity roughness and toughness, mocking the traditional codes of the industry. It’s hilarious.
Homepage… nailed it!

Category page

If you can’t read it says ” 3 times the size of most chick soaps” also ” gets you clean, not laid” …

The pretty from Down Under
On the flip side, here are irresistible girly pastel colored stationery, leather bags, pens and cards that you can personalize in Every Other Way! Designed in Australia, Alice Pleasance is a brand for women who are willing to take a chance on the unexpected, escape from the mundane and have the confidence to take a leap down the rabbit hole…


The Sporty from the Netherlands
Although the Dutch were not in the World Cup this year, they still have great Magento 2 stores selling everything about Football (Soccer), just like 100%voetbal


B2B anyone?
in 1978, the German Engineer Rolf F. Walther discovered a a “Japanese” version of a collapsible plastic container during a business trip to Japan. Since then the Walther Folding Box company has grown and kept innovating and now sells boxes online to not only Retail but also many other industries such as Automotive, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Food etc…


I just can’t get enough, give me case studies!
Want to see more? Want all the stories behind those businesses and why they chose Magento 2? Read our full Magento 2 Case Studies:
- Foeger is a 65 year old omnichannel retailer of Luxury Goods in Austria who finds new growth thanks to its Digital transformation. Their CEO Mathias Moser opens up on how his strategy and what he achieved with minimal resources.
OnlineSpyShop is a UK leader in surveillance equipment, servicing consumers but most importantly governments and companies. Steve Robert shares his secrets with us…
2) Composer Channel
Our composer channel makes it easy to install and update to the latest version with a few command lines.
3) 27 releases so far and still going
On average we released new version twice a month. That’s to follow the rapid evolution of Magento 2 core but also to address the feedback we receive from all our customers with all their different use cases.
New features included in OneStepCheckout for Magento 2 1.2.027:
- Shipping methods, payment methods and totals reloaded when coupons are added/removed
Allow display of default m2 shipping policy - Skip welcome e-mail for automatically registered users to allow silent registration
- Add shipping rate update trigger to vat_id field as entering this can affect totals
Account Registration
- Register within checkout, optional password fields for entering password data on checkout
- Date of Birth customer attribute support in Address forms
- Auto-registration email template changed to NEW_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REGISTERED_NO_PASSWORD so your automatically registered customers can go and set the password to use your site next time.
Shopper Experience
- Newsletter subscription checkbox
Compatibility with One Step Checkout for Magento 2 includes but is not limited to:
- PayPal
- Braintree
- Sofort
- iDeal
- SagePay
- Amazon Pay widgets
- Adyen (Patch available here)
- Sisow
Check our changelog to see what is the latest version available.
4) Available on Magento Marketplace
Our extension is coded following the Magento 2 guidelines. As such we got approved to be listed on Magento Marketplace.
Complexity of Magento 2
It took longer than expected to release our first version of OneStepCheckout for Magento 2 as our objective was to prioritize quality over speed to market. Our priority was to build it so that it fully harnesses the power, scalability and flexibility of Magento 2. Read more about the “tough nut to crack” and our approach to building our extension for Magento 2.
Similarly with Support, what only takes hours in Magento 1 takes days in Magento 2. But our customers are happy and our solutions allows to fully leverage the benefits of the Magento 2 platform as a whole.
Educating customers about Composer
We love how Composer is making everyone’s lives easier. However, we realize it is still new for many merchants so we need to spend more time to explain and show them how it works.
If you’re not familiar with Composer, trust us, it’s worth investigating. Here’s a good introduction to Composer from Kristof Ringleff, 3x Magento Master, who explains it so well that you don’t need to be technical to get it.
Way forward:
Focusing everyday on inter compatibility
Based on our experience with the Magento Ecosystem since the early days, we know how compatibility and interoperability are crucial. That’s why from inception, we designed our extension for Magento 2 with that in mind, so that we are compatible with all the solutions out there who are following the Magento 2 coding guidelines.
This is taking 100% of our attention and we constantly work on the key issues that our customer are facing and continue to release new version at a fairly good pace.
In addition to that, we are taking the extra mile to join the efforts led by the Extension Developer Network. It’s a non for profit organization whose mission is to continuously push the Magento ecosystem to guide merchants of all sizes to success. We joined the board to help spread good practices, find contributors to work on tools that allow to make it easier for merchant to find quality extensions. As a pilot project we are also teaming up on inter-operability with Fooman Payment Surcharge, Yireo CheckoutTester and Yireo SalesBlock by Jisse Reitsma.

What’s more? We collaborate very closely with the key solution providers in the field of payment, shipping and others that impact checkout.
Where to find us? The team will be at Magento Live Barcelona 8-10 October 2018. We are GOLD SPONSORS of the PreMagentoLive Party on Monday night! Come and hang out!
Can’t wait? Our Magento 2 page is a good place to start and you can ask questions at mail@onestepcheckout.com