Come and say Hi!
We have the pleasure to announce that we team will be attending the legendary Magento Imagine Conference in Las Vegas this year again.
There will be three of us: Thien-Lan (myself), Eskil and Madis our Digital Nomad who is now based in Salvadore the Bahia, Brazil.
Merchants, Agencies, Extension and Service providers, we’d love to hear your thoughts about Magento 2 and how we can use our deep expertise of Magento Checkout to help you migrate smoothly and make the most of the new powerful platform.
For those who don’t know us, discover how we can help increase the conversion of your our your clients Magento Store by reducing shopping cart abandonment with a simple technical change.
Every year we have a couple of customers who are nominated to receive Imagine Excellence Awards. Read about 2016 Finalists. This year, we are super excited that Show me your Mumu (their name says it all) has been nominated for the Growth Award. Join me in wishing them luck!
Need more reasons to attend Magento Imagine 2017?
The show
The line up of speakers has just been announced and it’s VERY inspiring. Last year we had the pleasure of spending some time with Magic Johnson. What a great business man, how awesome was it that he walked the audience and allowed hundreds of people in the Magento Community to take a selfie with him. (I didn’t dare approaching him, I’d be twice as short as him!!!)
The general sessions themselves are real shows with videos, music and lights effects, that entertain and give you goose bumps!

Now this year, the celebrity speaker is Serena Williams. I’m particularly excited about the diversity and the absolute gender equality represented among the key note speakers. And personally, as mentioned earlier, I can’t wait to hear from and meet Andrea Ward, the new CMO for Magento.
The networking
We made lots of friends, signed some partnerships like the one with the green pants guys at Windsor Circle and had so much fun…

When fireside chats are replaced with poolside chats

Hanging out with Magento Masters and Magetalk Show hosts

Sponsoring Breakfast on a beautiful day

Enjoying the Legendary Imagine Evening Event . From left to right: Eskil, me , Anton (our lead developer). I’m not holding a ciggie, it’s a meat skewer!